AUTOPAG.ZIP 17,259 09-24-94 Automatically number the pages of any ASCIItext file. AUTOPAGE reads a text file anduses the number you give it along with otherdata you will enter and produces a NEW filewhose pages are now numbered. hw
BABYS203.ZIP 111,877 09-06-94 Baby Spooler v2.03 <ASP> Simplified printspooling programs. Combine any of thefollowing features: background printing;re-routing of printed output to a disk file;monitor a designated directory for the
BESTH155.ZIP 236,502 11-08-94 BESTHES v1.55 - <ASP> SHAREWARE THESAURUSComplementary to your wordproc. thesaurus.Gives a wide range of related words perentry. Modular expandable to 28,635 entries x210 rel.words/entry (avg.) = 6,013,350(!)
BS101.ZIP 13,456 12-03-94 -=[ BS.EXE v1.01 Backslash Append Utility ]=-A simple text utility with one purpose: toadd backslashes to the end of non-blank linesin text files. Freeware by Lee Jackson.Copyright (c) 1994 Lee Jackson. All Rights
CREAD213.ZIP 57,902 11-20-94 READ V2.13 is a Shareware text browser forIBM PCs and compatibles that combinespowerful file handling with lots of featuresand comprehensive video support. It alsosupports ISO- 8859-1 and has lots of features
ECPG314.ZIP 368,261 12-10-94 ECPage is a DOS PCL forms design program.ECPage uses the scalable proportional PCLfonts in the HP LJ3 and 4. Combines text withPCL lines and boxes for 'Near Typeset'quality. Boxes may be 'Shadowed' for a 3D
EKIZ10B.ZIP 55,995 12-16-94 EKIZ v1.0 (beta) Visual Text Editor
EW9.ZIP 764,716 12-11-94 EASY WORD V 9.0 <ASP> Word Proccessor - Easyto use Word Processor which includes spellchecker line drawing, macros and inbuiltbackup system. Easy Word will batch print oddand even pages separately for double sided
FED111.ZIP 106,083 01-01-95 FED Forms Editor and Printer uses standardASCII text files as forms and underlines asinput fields. You can print the blank orfilled out form to your printer and save itto a file with or without the input fields.
FILTER.ZIP 5,114 10-23-94 FILTER - is a set of very simple text filtersto [1] Convert text to upper case. [2] Expandtab charters to spaces. [3] Strip form-feedcontrol charters from text [4] Strip EOFcontrol charters from text.
HEXED153.ZIP 112,472 11-20-94 HEXED V1.52 is a powerful binary file editor/viewer. It includes a number of usefulfeatures and supports a wide variety of fileformats (GIF, PCX, MOD etc.) for which itwill provide useful information. For example,
JUSTIFY.ZIP 16,402 11-20-94 JUSTIFY A text justification program to reASCII text files. FREE. With C source code.
LCASE10.ZIP 43,501 12-01-94 Lcase! v1.00: Simple program to convert textfiles to all lower CASE. Output is stored ina file called LCASE.CVT.
LTRIM10.ZIP 43,515 12-01-94 LTrim! v1.00: Simple program to remove blankson the left side of text file lines. Outputis stored in a file called LTRIM.CVT.
MAXFND31.ZIP 35,415 11-14-94 MaxFind v.3.1. Multi-word/line/block textsearch. PC Mag raved about v.1, now twice asfast, color output, etc. 300K/sec. on a386/40. With batch files you get answersbefore most programs load. Search entire
MERGP1B3.ZIP 163,561 12-05-94 MERGEPRO v1.003 - merge almost ANY files!Works on any size of sorted ASCII text file.This should be the ONLY merge program you'llever need. Select multiple merge keys, case
NED17X.ZIP 285,331 09-08-94 NED v1.7x <ASP> - A high performance texteditor for programmers and general use. Edit10 files; 28/43/50 modes; File wildcards,pick lists and browse; compile and run apps;On line calc,ASCII tables,calendar & help;
PARSE252.ZIP 136,058 01-01-95 Import/Export data between different programswith Parse-O-Matic. Convert reports from oneprogram into a format useful to another. Edittext files automatically. Print a report to a
RAM1.ZIP 172,767 11-24-94 Read-A-Matic v1.0 <ASP> Easy to use utilitythat turns ordinary text files into powerfulREADME.EXE files. The executable text can bescrolled, searched and printed. Text colors
RBLANK10.ZIP 43,503 12-01-94 RBlank! v1.00: Simple program to remove blanklines from text files. Output is stored in afile called RBLANK.CVT.
READ-IT.EXE 471,674 01-02-95 .TXT Reader - See Extra if you Reed Eeeeks
SHOWV20A.ZIP 29,628 10-22-94 SHOW V 2.0A Here is an effortless method ofsending letters, messages, or electronicmagazines to friends or customers. SHOW is atext to COM converter. It produces SELFdisplaying text files that no longer require
SIMDOC30.ZIP 211,584 11-03-94 Simply Docs 3.0<ASP> Convert ASCII text filesinto EXE/TSR format. Turn README into RUNME!Use it for program manuals, electronic books,catalogs, newsletters, etc. New in version 3
TEXREP1.ZIP 18,065 12-27-94 TexRep v1. - Text Search-and-replace forfiles with a simple command line syntax
TSETD2.ZIP 498,732 12-14-94 The SemWare Editor (TSE) 2.0 Test-Drive. Fromthe makers of QEdit comes the most versatileyet easy-to-use DOS text editor available.Just one look and you'll be hooked on it'sPOWER, SPEED, and FLEXIBILITY. Several
UCASE10.ZIP 43,498 12-01-94 UCASE! v1.00: Simple program to convert textfiles to all UPPER CASE. Output is stored ina file called UCASE.CVT.
UTL112.ZIP 175,784 01-01-95 Utilites with File Viewer and Printer supportprograms. From MicroFox Company, member of<ASP>, {STAR}, and [ASAD]. There are a numberof printer utilites for specific printers and
VIEWWIN.ZIP 76,123 10-09-94 VIEW 9.7 - VIEWER for WordPerfect 5.0-6.0,Word 4-5, WinWord 1-6, Win Write, Notepad,Ami Pro, Wordstar, Windows clip- board,ASCII, ANSI. Text search, print functions,etc. Direct link to JETCOL, 2COL and HLP2DOC.
VMAN110.ZIP 118,243 10-31-94 VIEW_MAN MicroMetric <ASP>: VIEW_MAN willperform the functions of viewing, editing andprinting a selected file in both Hex andASCII. File selection is by menu choice.Viewing and editing tasks: file positioning,
WORDS-1.ZIP 95,184 11-22-94 This is one of four parts of a list of over100,000 English words transcribedorthographically. From Summer Institute ofLinguistics FTP server via David Roberts, aBirmingham linguist.
WORDS-2.ZIP 74,467 11-22-94 This is one of four parts of a list of over100,000 English words transcribedorthographically. From Summer Institute ofLinguistics FTP server via David Roberts.
WORDS-3.ZIP 98,818 11-22-94 This is one of four parts of a list of over100,000 English words transcribedorthographically. From Summer Institute ofLinguistics FTP server via David Roberts.
WORDS-4.ZIP 84,390 11-22-94 This is one of four parts of a list of over100,000 English words transcribedorthographically. From Summer Institute ofLinguistics FTP server via David Roberts.
WRITIT21.ZIP 258,041 11-09-94 WRITEIT 2.10 - A Text Editor/Word Processorfor new users. Ultra-easy to use with pulldown menus, mouse support and quick keys onview at all times. Includes a DataBase for